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When it comes to installing a fence, there are two options: do it yourself or hire a fence company to do it. Doing it yourself may save you money, but hiring a professional fence company will save you time. As you consider which option is best for you, it is helpful to understand the services that your fence company will provide.

What to Expect from Your Fence Company

  • Pre-Construction: Firstly, we will work with you to map out the project. What areas do you want enclosed? What are the fence’s dimensions? How tall would you like the fence? Where will you put a gate? How much privacy would you like from your fence? Your answers to these questions will allow us to correctly estimate how much material is needed and estimate the cost.
  • Construction: Once materials have been delivered, it is time for construction. First, holes will need to be dug. The holes must be deep enough that they go below the frost line. This will help keep your poles from moving or shifting year after year due to seasonal changes. Posts will then be set using concrete. After the concrete is cured, fence panels can be installed.
  • Post-Construction: After the fence is installed, the final step is the cleanup. All debris such as wood scraps and nails will be removed. Any landscaping disturbed by fence installation will be repaired.

At Timber Fencing, we will give you peace of mind through this whole process. As a fence company, we dedicate our time to you to provide the best service from the beginning to the end.

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