Home > Blog > How a Wood Fence is Installed on a Sloping Lot

If your property has a moderate slope, you might think that there is no way you can have a wood fence installed and have it look right and provide the privacy and security that you desire. The reality is that there are methods for wood fence installation that can overcome a slope.

How a Wood Fence is Installed on a Sloping Lot

The most common method is to stager wood fence panels so that each one is still the proper height. You’ll get a nice stair-step appearance that looks great on both your side and your neighbor’s side of the fence. To further accentuate the look of this installation, consider a horizontal plank style rather than a vertical one.

Another option is to follow the slope while keeping the top all the same height. This installation method can be a bit more complicated, as there will need to be some angles worked in to make it look right. This racking style results in an unlevel fence top.

The third option is to keep the fence straight while creating gaps at the bottom of the wood fence panel as the fence line moves down the slope. This can work on lots with a small amount of slope and leaves you to fill in the space with landscaping. Do not choose this style if you want to prevent your pets from escaping.

The best way to install a wood fence for a sloped yard is to work with us at Timber Fencing, as we provide custom fence installation. Prefabricated panels can be too difficult to get into place and look right, but our custom workmanship gives you the beautiful appearance you desire with all the other objectives you have in mind met as well. Contact us today to learn more.


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